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    10 Min Deep Stretch

    Starting in a standing position, then slowly moving to the floor, you’ll sink deep into several stretches for your entire body in this “oh so good” deep-stretch video. It’s a perfect 10-minute recovery session for after any cardio or strength workout. Remember that what you do right after a hard workout might be the most important to prevent injury and support the gains you’ve worked for, so stretch it out to recover with us today!

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    Maximum Endurance 45 Min Ride

    In this Maximum Endurance Ride, be sure not to mistakenly focus on the “maximum.” The real goal is to build “endurance.” To do so, Master Mike designed this online indoor cycling class to focus on exertion over time, building your cardio stamina. To “endure” is to persist, to survive, to last, and above all, to keep on! So press play to keep on!

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    4 Quarters Tabata Torture 2 (60 Min Spin Sculpt)

    If you’ve done the original 4 Quarters Tabata Torture workout, you already know that this is a tortuously fun way to fry fat & build muscle. It’s broken into 4 quarters, odd rounds you’re Spinning, and even rounds are your HIIT Strength sets on the floor. All 4 quarters include some version of Tabata drills, with one of the floor sets targeting those large muscle groups, then the next hitting the smaller muscle groups. It’s awesome. Hit play and let’s torch it!

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    12-Years of Sweat Anniversary Live Stream Replay

    Though the video quality is low, the energy is high in this super special replay of the 12-Year Anniversary Live Stream event. It’s a Spin + Sculpt workout led by a dozen of your favorite trainers on earth!! Enjoy fit fam. ❤️🙏

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    Mindfulness Ride (60-Min Zone 2 Cycle)

    Mindfulness is the practice of becoming more aware of the present moment, rather than dwelling in the past or projecting into the future. This Zone 2 Spin Workout is perfect for everyday calorie-burn cardio, or a recovery workout following high-intensity training. Your challenge with this, and any Zone 2 workout, is moderate intensity so you feel the benefits of steadiness and rhythm while focusing on being “in the now” throughout the ride. Press play to get into your mind and into the zone!

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    30 Min Moderate Rolling Hills Ride

    Riding on your rest day doesn’t mean you have to stay on a flat road. When you’re looking for a change of scenery, try this Lower Intensity Intervals Spin Routine which we call “Moderate Rolling Hills” because each climb is followed by a nice downhill ride to allow you to catch your breath before heading up the next hill. Let’s roll!

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    High Heat. Low Impact. (60 Min Cycle Sculpt)

    This Low-Impact Spin and Sculpt class is a body-toning cardio sweat fest! Expect fun calorie-torching drills on the bike, then on the floor you’ll turn up the heat with strength work, isolating the lower body, upper body & core. The final floor set will pull it all together with multi-muscle moves. Light it up and let it burn!

    This workout does not include a full stretch, but we have some great options here!

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    60 Min Positivity Pedal

    When you’re working out, your body and your mind should be in a calm, hopeful state. That’s the goal of this 60 min Spin class focused on generating positivity. Focus on an awareness of the present moment, and work your way into a deep, satisfying ride, releasing your negative thoughts and emotions. Block out the world around you and let’s ride.

    This workout does not include a full cool-down stretch, but we have some great options here!

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    6 Min Hip Therapy Warm-Up

    Get ready to give your entire body some love with this therapeutic hip mobility warm-up video. Hip health impacts your back, legs, shoulders, core, and more, so keeping them healthy and mobile is key to feeling good all over. That’s why Mimi is going to guide you through some of the best dynamic hip stretches to gently work the hips from every imaginable angle. This short routine is amazing to help heal achy bodies, improve mobility, and avoid injuries. Use it regularly to lube the hips pre-workout, post-workout, or just on its own. Enjoy!

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    Virtual Reality Ride 2

    Get your body locked into your indoor bike while letting your imagination wander to the great outdoors in this 45-minute virtual reality style Spin class. This sequel class is similar to the original, riding alongside Trainer Mimi through a range of terrain, but has a fun twist – all sprint drills will be Tabatas, giving an extra high-intensity burn to your journey on the open road. Press play to find out where the road will take you.

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    Max Power 20 Min Cycle

    You’re gonna want to warm up before hitting play on this high-intensity indoor cycle class. Once we start, we’ll hit max power for 1200 straight seconds, start to finish. This is a great quick burn on its own, but if you’ve got time, use it as a calorie-killing filler in your workout sandwich. Power up and let’s ride!

    This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    No Repeat Total-Body TRX

    Time to get your straps set and get right to it with this No-Repeat Total-Body TRX Workout. You’ll hit every major muscle group to get carved with max efficiency, completing each exercise only one time! There’s even some cardio and core training peppered in to make this a fantastic all-in-one workout. Hit play – it’s tone time!

    This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    All Terrain Cycle

    The wind in your hair and mud on your tires will be in your imagination, but the heart pumping and sweat dropping will be real in this all-terrain indoor cycling workout. Through the journey, you’ll keep your muscles guessing with a variety of drills intended to simulate anything you might experience on an outdoor ride. Gear up and let’s go!

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    NO Hip-Hop to the Top Cycle (40 Min)

    Do you often find yourself reminiscing about the “good old days”? If so, you’re gonna love this indoor cycling class with no hip-hop – it’s a homage to the music of bygone eras. As your heart rate climbs and you sink into the ride, let your mind wander to memories of the past while we push forward to the future. Hop on your bike and fly through the decades with us!

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    Treadmill Bootcamp Power Hour

    Please read the disclaimer below before clicking play on this amazing workout.

    Barry’s Bootcamp workout will seem like a walk in the park compared to this killer treadmill bootcamp! Trainer Miriam will quickly move between the tread and floor for 10 rounds of 6-minute sets. New movements on the tread reduce joint compression and overuse injuries that you risk with straight running. On the floor, you’ll engage both body and mind with functional training movements to support daily living activities. Click play on this power hour now!

    – This workout does involve many atypical movements on the treadmill that might be new to you such as joggin backward, standing laterally on the belt, etc. The movements are optional, but if you want to try them consider starting at very low speeds.
    – When taking the workout the first time consider not using weights on the treadmill
    – You might benefit from placing a stool or side table next to the treadmill to put your weights on. For most treads it’s not a good idea to place them on the tread anywhere.
    – Treadmills are varying lengths, just like us humans, so you may not be able to fully extend your arms like you see the more petit trainer able to do. That’s ok.
    – This workout has a lot of speed and elevation changes when on the tread so we caution you to hang onto the tread handles to keep your balance and footing.
    – The bottom line is that you should always err on the side of safety first.

    This workout does not include a cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    Killer 20 Min Full Body Tone-Up

    Tone up from head to toe in this killer full-body toning class. Hitting every muscle group, you’ll do 9 moves twice through, so try challenging yourself with heavier weights in the second set. This is a great workout when you’re short on time, or for when you’re looking to add some lifting to your favorite cardio. Power up and get to work!

    This workout does not include a cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    7th Inning Stretch

    Take this stretch out to the home office, the gym floor, or really anywhere you need a quick stretch to increase your all over flexibility. In just a few minutes, you’ll do some movement to warm up your muscles and release your joints. Then once your blood is gently flowing, you’ll find your edge with each stretch. It’s going to feel amazing. So hop up – it’s time for your 7th Inning Stretch!

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    Mini Bands. Big Burn!

    This is one of the best 30-minute mini-band total-body workouts EVER! Using all planes of motion (front, back, and even the sides of the body) we’ll keep our heart rates up with the movement, long lever motions, and big and small muscle group exercises. We’ll also include stabilization drills to strengthen the core. Grab those mini bands and let’s get that BIG burn!

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    60-Min Moderate Intensity Ride

    There are gonna be days where your mind is telling you to hop on the bike for some heart pumping cardio, but your body isn’t quite on board. Your brain knows best, so try this compromise: a moderate intensity cycling class that gives you the option to push up the effort level when you can and then dial it back just when you need it. No excuses, let’s get it done!

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    Smooth & Steady Cycle Express

    With life coming at us quickly, sometimes we need to break away for 15 minutes of “breathing” time. This class is great for a short lower intensity Spin ride. It can be used as just a quick sweat on those super busy days, or you can add it as a warm-up or cool-down for any stacked workout you might be custom curating! Your choice, so take your time and enjoy the ride.

    This workout does not include a cool-down stretch, but we have some great options here!