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    7 Min Hip Therapy

    Our hips are often so tight and carry so much tension, impacting how our entire body feels, especially our backs. Because of that, we wanted to bring you a quick therapy session with 10 of our favorite Hip Loosening Exercises, built into 1 quick 7-minute Hip Warm-Up Routine. Reap the body-healing rewards by clicking play on this one as part of your daily regimen today!

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    5 Min Abs (No Repeat)

    In just 5 minutes, work toward a 6-pack with these 7 core exercises in Josh’s 5 Min No-Repeat Ab Workout. Transitioning quickly through a variety of planks and moves on your back, you’ll get a full core workout that you can do anywhere. And if you’ve got the time, you can repeat it a couple times for an even bigger burn. Press play for this 5-6-7 session!

    This workout does not include a cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    10 Min Stretch for Men

    Hey guys, this one’s for you. With a focus on the muscle groups like chest, hamstrings, and hip flexors, which tend to be tighter on the male body, this Short Stretch Session for Men (that women can benefit from too) should go straight to your favorites. Get your muscles warm, or try this after your cardio session to get some great results. Press play to stretch out!

    To get your muscles warm, we have some great warm-up options here!

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    Leg Lean-Out

    It’s gonna hurt so good in this Lower-Body Burner No-Equipment Leg Workout that can be done anywhere and as part (or all) of your next workout. Working one side at a time, traditional lower-body exercises like squats and lunges meet ½ range (pulses) and explosive moves in 60–second increments, to lean out those legs and leave your muscles shaking, but strong! Grab a little space to move, and let’s set those legs on fire.

    This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    8 Moves in 8 Min: Full Body, No-Repeat (Beginner Friendly)

    At less than 10 minutes, Trainer Elli calls this a “level 1” beginner-friendly full-body strength workout, where you’ll get 8 simple no-repeat moves that you’ll probably recognize. The sets are great for toning all your major muscle groups without lifting huge weights. Give it a try, and even if you’re newer to strength training, you’ll feel like a pro in no time!

    This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    15 Min Tummy Toner (No-Repeat)

    Want a fun, quick ab workout to add to your playlist? This 15-minute ab set is a great way to strengthen your core and set your muscles on fire! By itself or stacked with your fave SSoD whole-body workout, you’ll get some great midsection toning. Let’s get fired up!

    This workout does not include a cool-down stretch, but we have some great options here!

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    Do-Anywhere Dynamic Warm-Up

    The last thing you want from a fun day of outdoor recreation is a pulled muscle. So, before you get your boots on for a day on the slopes (or a run or even a pickleball match), you’ll want to spend 10 minutes doing this standing pre-ski (or other outdoor activity) warm-up to help prevent injury. These do-anywhere, dynamic warm-up exercises will warm up your muscles before you hit it hard. Let’s shred!

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    Express Post-Slopes Stretch

    After an exhilarating day on the slopes, give yourself a moment for this quick post-skiing stretch. Releasing tension in your hips and upper body is important after a day of skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities. You can even run through these stretches a couple times if you hit the hills hard. Before you jump into the hot tub or cozy up to the fire, hit play to stretch out.

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    Standing Abs & Arms, Arriba!

    Get up on your feet for this Spanglish Standing Abs & Arms Workout. Using a set of light weights, we’ll focus on carving the biceps, shoulders, and obliques, making them muy fuerte – very strong! Be sure to get nice and warm before hitting play. Or better yet, take this class following another one of your fave SSoD classes, like maybe one on the bicicleta. Listo? Arriba!

    This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    10 Min Abs-olutely!!

    Tacking a short core workout like this one onto your daily fitness routine is a great way to get killer carved abs! In this 10 min video, you’ll rotate through 8 simple moves that include a progression add-on if you want an extra challenge. You ready for this? Abs-olutely!

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    6 Min Hip Therapy Warm-Up

    Get ready to give your entire body some love with this therapeutic hip mobility warm-up video. Hip health impacts your back, legs, shoulders, core, and more, so keeping them healthy and mobile is key to feeling good all over. That’s why Mimi is going to guide you through some of the best dynamic hip stretches to gently work the hips from every imaginable angle. This short routine is amazing to help heal achy bodies, improve mobility, and avoid injuries. Use it regularly to lube the hips pre-workout, post-workout, or just on its own. Enjoy!

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    10 Min Tricep Workout

    You ready to get some sweet carved arms? In this quick Tricep Workout, we’ll go through every kind of tricep move we can fit into this back-arm burner. Reps are high, so you might wanna start with a set of medium and light dumbbells, and build up to more intense options. Or get right after it with heavier weights and optional challenges. C’mon, give it a tri!

    This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    10 Min Lean Legs, Strong Glutes

    When you’re short on time and want one of the best quick workouts to get lean legs and strong glutes, this is the video for you. In just ten non-stop minutes, you’ll alternate between dynamic and stationary exercises to build strength and lean muscle mass. Grab some weights and let’s go!

    This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    6 Min Shoulder Therapy Warm-Up

    6 minutes to healthier shoulders…right here! Cat has put together 11 dynamic stretches to gently work the shoulders from every imaginable angle. She used this routine herself to heal a torn rotator cuff years ago…sans surgery! This short routine has the best shoulder warm up exercises and is perfect for pre-lifting or for general shoulder therapy. Enjoy!

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    Spicy Standing Abs (9 Min Workout) – Viva Mexico!

    Warm up your body and your Spanglish for this 9-minute “clase rapida” that’s an all standing abs workout with a focus on obliques. Light dumbbells are optional, but the fun is muy importante while you work out to two of the most popular Mexican songs. Get ready to carve that core and shout Viva Mexico!

    This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    7th Inning Stretch

    Take this stretch out to the home office, the gym floor, or really anywhere you need a quick stretch to increase your all over flexibility. In just a few minutes, you’ll do some movement to warm up your muscles and release your joints. Then once your blood is gently flowing, you’ll find your edge with each stretch. It’s going to feel amazing. So hop up – it’s time for your 7th Inning Stretch!

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    Stretch Session for All Levels

    Not bendy? No problem. You’re not alone and we’re here to help with this stretch session for people that aren’t flexible naturally! You’ll open up those tight areas by doing stretches to increase your mobility without hurting you or making you feel like there’s something wrong with you because you don’t look like the lady on the screen that’s bending her body in half. Always striving for progress, not perfection, okay? Let’s stretch.

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    8 Min to Six-Pack Abs

    You’re not gonna get washboard abs without putting in the work, people. So, it’s a good thing you’ve got one of the best short workouts for a six-pack when you press play on this baby. Using just your body weight, you’ll hit back, booty and all over core, with options for a variety of skill levels. Add this to your weekly routine. You can thank us later.

    This workout does not include a cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    Standing Stretch (Spanglish)

    You know a good stretch following a workout es muy importante. That’s why we love this full-body standing stretch video where Dalia relaxes you with a combination of Spanish and English instruction. Because you don’t need to hit the floor, and you don’t need a mat or equipment, this can be done just about anywhere. Try it after your workout, or even during a break at the office. Que bueno – Let’s stretch!

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    8-Min Total Body Circuit

    We love cardio, but weight training is SUPER important, so let’s get it done in one of our fave formats – circuits. Grab your dumbbells for this under 10-minute total body strength circuit to pack in the biggest gain we can in the shortest amount of time. That’s right, just 8 minutes for a quick metabolic blast that tightens, tones, and keeps the calories burning long after you wrap it up. No time? No excuses, let’s go!

    This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!