This 40 minute treadmill run called “The 9er” is exactly what the name says! Four 9-minute rounds of running, with 1 minute recovery periods between each. Each round is broken into three progressive 3-minute blocks, all of each 9er ending with a faster pace. Fred also gives some valuable running tips & techniques along the way. So, press play and enjoy “The 9er”!
This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!
Push right past your comfort zone with this interval style red-zone HIIT treadmill workout with popular SSoD Trainer Fred. You’ll push pace and condition your heart & lungs while running at top speeds. For an extra challenge, increase the incline for a little hill run to burn maximum calories and increase your VO2 max. Press play to tread with Fred!
This workout does not include a full stretch, but we have some great options here!
When it comes to running, drills on hills are one of the most effective ways to build speed, which is exactly what we’re doing in this HIIT-style treadmill sprinting workout. During four 5-minute rounds of interval sprints, you’ll begin at a 3.0 climb, increasing to 6.0, with a little surprise push at the end! The sprints plus steady state recovery will have you moving and burning from start to finish. Ready, set, go!
NOTE: We’re getting right to the sprints in this baby, so be sure to add your own warm up before pressing play, and cool-down/stretch on your own after! (We have some great options here.)
Which is your fave part of a sandwich – the bread or the fillings? In this super fun sandwich-style treadmill workout, we think it’s both! After getting nice and warm, Trainer Fred will guide you through a few heart-charging sprints (the bread). Then you’ll get a 9-minute endurance drill that starts as a jog but ends as a run (the delicious filling) before closing up the sandwich with some more all-out sprints and then cooling down. Hop on your tread and earn that ham and cheese!
And…can you do this same workout using a cycling bike vs a treadmill? Totally! Just follow along with the intensity and duration and it’ll be awesome!
Some runners emerge in the spring and summer months, some run year-round, and some of you want to be a runner and don’t know where to start! This class is for all of you! Fred designed this treadmill rolling hills workout to increase endurance by implementing carefully calculated drills. Find out how he tricks your mind into getting the most out of those hills and flat roads by changing the pace and intensity levels at just the right times. Trust us, you want to give this class a shot! Leggo.
This workout does not include a warm-up, but we have some great options here!
After a pre-treadmill warmup and release, this class blasts right into a fast, fun, high-intensity treadmill interval workout! Whether you’re trying to work on your base speed, sprints, stride, or just wanting to get stronger, these intervals will push you beyond your comfort zone! Adjusting both incline and speed within the workout will allow for optimal gains in both calorie burn, recovery, and power. Run baby, run!
Let’s take a walk… Studio SWEAT style! You can bet that means this treadmill power walking workout won’t be a walk in the park. For five kilometers (3.1 miles), we’ll power our way through five hills with drills in between, using varying incline levels and speeds to push our cadence from a brisk power walk to just below a running trot. This may not be a red zone workout, but we will push the heart rate up, find our own personal power walk max, burn loads of calories, and of course, have some fun. Hop on your treadmill and walk this way!
Step along with our beloved Brooke in this 30-Minute Online Treadmill Power Walking Workout. You’ll just love the fun variety of incline and speed-walking drills. It goes by super fast due to Brooke’s company and inspiration. It’s just a fun, upbeat cardio class where your legs will feel a nice low-impact burn. Let’s get to steppin’!
This endurance hill training workout is a speed workout in disguise, meaning this is exactly the kind of workout to mix into your week to help make you a faster runner. Short but steep climbs with recovery minutes in between are a serious fitness changer!
Short bursts of “all out” descending speed intervals are just what you need to kick that metabolism into high gear for the day. A great way to get in a killer calorie burner workout in not much time!
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