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    4 Quarters Tabata Torture 2 (60 Min Spin Sculpt)

    If you’ve done the original 4 Quarters Tabata Torture workout, you already know that this is a tortuously fun way to fry fat & build muscle. It’s broken into 4 quarters, odd rounds you’re Spinning, and even rounds are your HIIT Strength sets on the floor. All 4 quarters include some version of Tabata drills, with one of the floor sets targeting those large muscle groups, then the next hitting the smaller muscle groups. It’s awesome. Hit play and let’s torch it!

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    Stand & Deliver II

    The OG “Stand and Deliver” workout brings a 20 minute standing drill followed by song-by-song attacks. Whaddya say we do that again – but in reverse and with a few twists?! While the meat of this 40 Minute Spin Class is with Standing Drills, don’t think that means just simple climbs. Once your body’s warmed up, expect to challenge your leg muscles, push your cardio capacity, and torch fat with sprints, isolations, movement, heavy digs, and pushes. Accept the challenge to stand and deliver your results today!

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    30 Min Spin: Jumpin’ with Jess

    From the moment you jump on your bike, you’ll be jumpin’ non-stop in this Spin Class with a LOT of Jump Drills. But that’s not all that’s hopping – while your heart rate jumps up and sweat drips down, you’ll also ride strong by jumping from one speed to the next, jumping from one resistance level to another, and jumping around music genres & decades! So, jump up and let’s go!

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    3-2-1 Go! (40 Min Spin)

    Bring your strength, determination, and grit to this amazingly Good 40 Minute Spin Class that dials in your mental focus, and really gets your heart pumpin’ and fat fryin’. Yael designed the workout with 5 blocks that each have 3 minutes of moderate to heavy effort, 2 minutes of hard work, and 1 minute of all you’ve got. Think hard, harder, and crazy hard. 3, 2, 1 Go!

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    Spin + Strength + Yoga (20/20/20)

    20 Min of Fat-Frying Spin +
    20 Min Total Body Strength +
    20 Min Yoga Stretch & Flow

    Choose to complete any 20-minute segment a la carte, or put them together for an amazing hour-long cross training workout! Get it all (or some) done with this incredible Spin, Strength & Yoga Workout today!

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    Double-Down Spin + Core

    No matter your reason for pressing play today, we bet you’ll get it done in this High-Intensity Online Indoor Cycle Session that also has a killer bonus abs set at the end! This sweat-soaking Spin workout moves through a round of drills designed to improve cardio health, build lean muscle mass, and torch fat. After you do the drills once, you’ll double down on the burn, cycling through those drills again before a spicy finisher with hills and sprints. Wind down with a bonus 8 minute ab set. YOU win when you cash in on this workout!

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    60 Min Couple’s Therapy Ride

    Relationships, like a Spin class, have moments of intensity, conflict, struggle, triumph, and peace. So, we decided to combine all those stages for an hour of Couple’s Therapy, Studio SWEAT style!!!!

    Stage 1 = Fitness Zones 4 & 5 bursting into passion, conflict, nerves, and many other breathless moments.

    Stage 2 = Fitness Zones 3 & 4 bringing waves of intensity, strategy, calculation, endurance, and compromise.

    Stage 3 = Fitness Zones 2 & 3 ushering in comfort, fierce loyalty, playfulness, and commitment.

    Of course, we wrapped it up in laughter, stories, and teamwork, because, while admittedly cheesy, this class mirrors real life. The soundtrack to our therapy session is one click away. Let’s begin!

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    I Just Wanna be Alone (35 Min Cycle)

    Find your solo inspiration when you workout to this spirit-freeing cardio 35-Minute Spin video. With a playlist full of motivating tracks for those times that you just kind of want to be alone, Trainer Jessica will guide you through moderate, hard, and just barely tolerable progressions while providing messages of confidence, strength, and resilience. Press play to ride with your fave person – you!

    This workout does not include a cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    Pop Rhythm Ride

    Did you know that riding to the beat of the music helps you get out of your head and really work your body? Give it a try in this Pop-Music Rhythm Spin Class that hits the beat and incorporates some choreography if you want to really move – pro tip: a little upper-body movement on your bike will give your heart rate an extra boost! Add light weights (optional) for some of the drills to engage your core and give your biceps and triceps some lovin’. Let’s drop in the saddle and pop the beat!

    This workout does not include a cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    Cat’s 40 Min Mobility & Stretch Sesh

    You don’t need to be a Yogi to have good mobility. That’s why Cat created this 40-Minute Mobility & Stretch Session that is perfect for beginners and bendy people alike! The first half is all dynamic (moving/flowing) stretches to warm up the body – that way when you go into the static stretches in the second half you can get deeper into each stretch. Give yourself the gift of mobility today!

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    40 Min Good Morning Cycle

    The way you kick off your morning sets the tone for the whole day, so make yours a great one when you start it with this 40-minute mood-boosting indoor cycling class. You’ll get your heart pumping and stimulate endorphin production as you ride. Hop out of the RIGHT side of the bed and right onto your bike!

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    No Repeat Cycle 2 (45 Min Spin)

    You know a class is great when you’re begging for a sequel like this one. So hop on your bike and join Trainer Fred for a reprise of his no-repeat Spin class with Fred, where you’ll only tackle each drill once (ya know…cuz they don’t repeat!). The beginning of the class you’ll get longer, seated endurance intervals, along with long strength-building standing climbs. Once you check those off, the intervals will get shorter, challenging you to increase your intensity and power. You’ll wanna put this one on repeat!

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