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Best Exercises to Target the Obliques trainer tip video

Best Exercises to Target the Obliques

for Flatter, Stronger Abs! What are the best exercises for strong sexy obliques? Well, we asked Studio SWEAT Trainer Jessica to share her fave six below.  Why is this such a hot topic? The obliques, which run along the sides

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Exercise & Arthritis trainer tip video

Exercise & Arthritis

Best Tips to Keep Moving! We had a popular discussion recently on social media about arthritis – the swelling and tenderness in your joints. Lots of us have it in some form, in fact, about 25% of all adults do

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Straighten Up! How to Fix Bad Posture with Exercise

A man at a desk with back pain

  Elbows off the table…Don’t chew with your mouth open…Say please and thank you…Don’t talk politics at dinner…Napkin on your lap…Stand up straight!  Ah, those old school lessons in manners. We all can remember our parents (or grandparents) bombarding us


Staying in Shape While Traveling

Young fit woman going for a hike while traveling

  As we enter into the summer season — with warm weather surrounding us, days getting longer and longer, and schedules getting a little bit looser — that travel bug begins to bite. Yes, it seems like this time of


The Best Way to Strengthen Your Core Without Hurting Your Neck or Back vlog

The Best Way to Strengthen Your Core Without Hurting Your Neck or Back

Tips with Trainer Sam on Proper Forward Flexion Do you ever finish a core workout and your neck hurts? It’s common, but doesn’t have to be that way. Studio SWEAT Trainer and Pilates master Sam is here to talk about

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Why is Exercise Making Me More Hungry vlog

Why is Exercise Making Me More Hungry?!

How to Avoid Overeating After Workouts. In today’s VLOG, Cat Kom is joined by the popular Studio SWEAT Trainer, known as Olganator, to answer this question that came in from Donna: “I want to trim a few pounds, but the

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Your 14-Day Summer Ready Workout Plan

Young fit woman flexing muscles at the beach

  Woop, Woop…summer’s almost here, and you’re feeling good! You’ve got that summer bod you’ve always dreamed of and you’re ready to hit the beach — totally confident and utterly unself-conscious. How amazing it is to be you! JK. We


How to Tell if You Need a Rest Day or if You’re Just Lacking Motivation

How to Tell if You Need a Rest Day or if You’re Just Lacking Motivation

Cat Kom & Brian will help you understand the difference. Do you ever find yourself wanting to skip a workout, but you’re not sure if you need a rest or are just feeling lazy? Studio SWEAT onDemand member Isabelle recently

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Best Exercise for Back Posture & How to Do It Right

Best Exercise for Back Posture & How to Do It Right

AJ masterfully teaches you how to perform the back fly exercise. Variations included! Unless you’re living WAY off the grid, chances are you spend a good portion of your day hunched over – at a desk, on your phone screen,

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