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Surviving the Teen Years, a Parent’s Perspective

Surviving the Teen Years, a Parent’s Perspective

Tips to Cope with Parenting a Teen – It ain’t easy, but it is worth it. Recently, Cat posted a picture with her 21-year-old son, commenting that the teen years are tough, but you eventually get back to that spot

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exercise as you age

Best Workouts Before, During & After Menopause

How to Change Your Exercise Routine As You Age How to exercise as we age is one of the top requests we receive when it comes to trainer tips. Of course we all hope to achieve old age, but we

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Knocked Up Knockouts: Pregnancy-Safe Workout Tips

Pregnant African American woman working out in a Pilates class.

  Congratulations, mama-to-be! You’re about to embark on the journey of motherhood, experience the miracle of life, and discover the joys of… backaches, bloating, and baby weight. (We can almost hear your UGHHH from here.) But before you go hitting


Tips for Your Perfect Summer Workout Routine

Young couple jogging on the beach for summer exercise plan workout

  For some of you, summer’s all about taking it easy, kickin’ back, sippin’ a lil’ sumpin’ sumpin’, and generally lazing the days away. And that’s all well and good, but all y’all can stop reading from here on in


trainer talk 12 with Carolyn aged to perfection

Trainer Talk #12 with Carolyn: Aged to Perfection

Check out SSoD Trainer Talk #12 with Carolyn! These Trainer Talks are live-streamed to our Facebook Page, and we make it available here if you missed it. However, the benefit of joining us live is that you get to ask

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How to Measure if Your Workout Was Good

How to Measure if Your Workout Was Good?

Is it how many calories you burned? NO, not necessarily! Let’s see why. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? “Ugh, my heart rate monitor was glitchy today. It’s like this workout didn’t count.” “Hey, I’m going to stick around

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How to Hydrate Without Drinking Water, Plain Ol' Water - There are ways, but not shortcuts trainer tip video

How to Hydrate Without Drinking Water

There are ways, but not shortcuts. Cat recently saw a product claiming it would hydrate you without drinking water. So she reached out to RD Miriam to get the details. Do these products work? Because let’s be honest, sometimes you’re

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the beach burn 500 youtube

Wanna Try the Beach Burn 500 Workout?

Do it at the Beach, the Park, or at Home! Raise your hand if you love a fun, outdoor, quick (or not) workout that you can knock out at the beach, the park, or about anywhere you want to be

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