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The Best Breathing Techniques for Weight-Lifting and Workout Cool-Downs vlog

The Best Breathing Techniques for Weight-Lifting and Workout Cool-Downs

Does it matter? Yes, it truly does. Have you ever been working out and had a trainer remind you to breathe, or tell you to breathe differently? You’re not alone. In fact, there are several different ways to breathe depending

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How to Burn MAX Calories in Your Spin Workouts!! vlog

How to Burn MAX Calories in Your Spin Workouts!!

Tips & tricks to help you maximize your results. Spinning is one of the best workouts for weight loss, fat burning, and total body toning. In fact, you can burn 500-1,000 calories in a single class. Of course, that depends

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How to do Curtsy Lunge & Curtsy Lunges with Weights youtube

How to do Curtsy Lunge & Curtsy Lunges with Weights

Proper Form to AVOID INJURIES When it comes to lunges, they’re not created equal, and we wouldn’t want to pick favorites, but if we did, the curtsy lunge just might win. Like most moves, there are rights and wrongs, so

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Best Upper Body Exercises to Warm Up (or Heal) the Shoulders youtube

Best Upper Body Exercises to Warm Up (or Heal) the Shoulders

Why & How to Avoid Injury to Your Shoulders Ouch, shoulder injuries sure are a pain! And they’re fairly common – as a matter of fact, the shoulder joint is the most commonly injured joint in the body. That might

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5 Tools Every Fitness Blogger Should Know

person blogging

  Blogging is a unique skill that requires mastery of content creation to appeal to any given audience. As a fitness blogger, you know how important it is to provide valuable and accurate content to your readers. From nutrition tips


Really Good Stretches for Tight Hips, Legs & Lower Back Tension vlog

3 Amazing Stretches for Tight Hips, Legs & Lower Back Tension

Do you have pain in your low back? Did you know that your hip health, or lack of it, might be playing a role? It’s true that sometimes tight hips and legs can be related to low back pain. And

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Are No Repeat Workouts Good for You? Benefits & Drawbacks of No Repeat Workouts vlog

Are No Repeat Workouts Good for You?

The Benefits & Drawbacks of No Repeat Workouts. When it comes to training, “no-repeat” workouts are all the rage. But are they so great? Well, yeah, they can be. Cat Kom is here to talk about no-repeat benefits and drawbacks. 

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Why Fusion Workouts Are the Future of Fitness

Studio SWEAT onDemand trainer teaching a Spin & Sculpt ondemand workout

  As admitted fitness aficionados, we at Studio SWEAT onDemand are always looking for the next big thing, the next revolutionary discovery, and the next important movement in our industry. And we like to think we’ve done a pretty good