“But…but…you see…it’s not…it’s just that…I’m not sure if…maybe I just…tomorrow might be a bit more…right now isn’t the best…but…but…but…but”.
Sound familiar? Sure it does. You’ve probably heard yourself starting sentences with similar words, followed by some of the most pitiful, pessimistic, and dare-we-say pathetic reasons for slacking on self-care and neglecting your physical fitness. We’re not judging by the way, because we’ve probably come up with just as many of our own excuses.
So if you find that you’ve lost that lovin’ feeling, and are in need of some fitness motivation…listen up, because we’re doing a little round up of the top 8 excuses people often make to justify their laziness. Following each excuse, we’ll also share how and why you really should eliminate those excuses from your life!
Ready to cut the but’s and begin? Let’s Gooooo!
Excuse #1: “I Don’t Have the Time”
A common reason many people have for not working out is their schedule. We get it: you’re busy, life moves fast, kids have soccer games, boss is having a conniption, your in-laws are visiting. Yada. Yada. Yada. You probably think you’d need at least a few hours to really get your workout in, right? Slow it down there, señor Schwarzenegger…
The Truth: You want a really good workout? In no time at all? Yeah that takes about 20 minutes (15 if you’re serious about it). At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we offer a massive library of onDemand workouts with tons of different durations, some as short as 5 minutes. Have you ever tried a butt-bustin’ HIIT class or series of burpees? We guarantee you can break a sweat in almost no time.
Excuse #2: “I’m Embarrassed”
You haven’t worked out in ages, and when you do set foot in a gym, you’re greeted with nothing but chiseled jawlines, impressive tan lines, and more visible abdominal muscles than you’d like to count. So why would you want to risk the shame, working alongside a bunch of people who know so much more than you, are so much stronger than you, and will probably be judging you the entire time?
The Truth: We’ve got a couple for this one. 1) Studio SWEAT onDemand’s virtual fitness classes can be done in the comfort of your own home, meaning no one’ll be looking at you, except maybe your cat. 2) We’ve built our reputation on being the most inclusive, supportive, and welcoming onDemand fitness platform anywhere, which is why our classes feature nothing but real people, getting their sweat on — no actors or models here.
Excuse #3: “I’m Fine With My Body As It Is”
Now for some of you, you may not feel the need to improve your physique, move better, or feel better. So what’s the point in sweating away for hours on end? We hear you.
The Truth: First of all, we’re happy as heck that you’re good with how you look. But the reality is, working out has basically nothing to do with how you look! Exercise is all about how you feel inside, how much energy you have, and how positive your mental state is. We work out to clear our minds as well as keep our bodies in shape. And just because you might look how you want to look, we all still need to push our bodies to feel their best.
Excuse #4: “I’m Always So Sore After Working Out”
You know the drill: a bunch of time has passed since you last worked out. Your muscles are creaky, your joints are squeaky, and everything seems to be an uphill battle. Worse yet, once you’re done with your marathon sweat session, the pain starts setting in. The next day you can barely move, and sneezing feels like you’ve been checked by an NFL lineman.
The Truth: Those early sore muscles are no fun, and can be a fairly large obstacle standing in the way of you getting back in the swing of things. But our little secret is that those brutal post-exercise pains DO reduce once you’re back on the horse. And furthermore, you’ll probably start looking forward to that soreness, and see it as a badge of honor of the amazing work you just did.

Excuse #5: “I’ve Lost My Fitness Motivation”
With the pandemic decimating much of our social lives, it’s been a pretty tough road for many of us. Maybe you used to work out with a whole friendship crew, but now it’s just you. And exercising on your own just doesn’t have the workout motivation you’re looking for.
The Truth: At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we’ve worked hard to build a loyal, supportive, and motivating community — the Komrades! This rag-tag bunch of passionate fit fanatics hail from all ends of the globe, and are always on hand to share their progress, talk about their struggles, and support each other to accomplish their fitness goals!
Excuse #6: “I’m Just Too Old”
Maybe you’ve been feeling a little long in the tooth lately. Your body aches in the morning, and just kind of feels like jelly in the afternoon. So you avoid those sweat-inducing workouts, and instead find a nice comfortable seat on the couch. After all, fitness is a young person’s game, isn’t it?
The Truth: Here comes a big, fat, NOOOOO! Fitness is an every-person’s game, and one you should be playing at any age! Along with Senior-Specific Virtual Fitness Classes, we’ve also got tons of Low Impact and Low Intensity Classes guaranteed to make you sweat, yet not push you too hard.
Excuse #7: “I Don’t Know How to Get Started”
Picture this – you’ve been out of the fitness game for awhile, you remember having a pretty sweet workout routine a few years ago, and you want to bring that back. So you do a quick internet search for “The Best Way to Get in Shape”. Then it hits you…thousands and thousands and thousands of blogs, articles, newly discovered fitness data (that discounts the old accepted data), plus about a gazillion hip new fad workouts. Congrats, you’ve been hit with fitness fatigue before you’ve even broken a sweat!
The Truth: It’s sad, but true – the fitness industry is chock-full of myths, misinformation, and mistakes at every turn. And for someone looking in from the outside, it’s enough to make you want to sit on that couch, and stay there. But we’ve got some good news! At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we offer a Premium Membership option that gives you customized workout plans based on your fitness level, long-term goals, and the equipment you have at home! So you won’t have to worry whether you’re doing it right or not, because you’ll have expert fitness guidance every step of the way. How’s that for peace of mind?
Excuse #8: “Gyms Are Too Expensive”
You’ve got two choices: to go with a large, impersonal fitness chain where you’ll have to shell out big bucks each month, only to wait in line to use the equipment. Or you’ll go with a smaller, boutique fitness studio, where you’ll also have to shell out big bucks to use a facility the size of your closet. No thank you!
The Truth: Instead of choosing between the big-box place, or the teeny-tiny-fancy-schmancy one, why not choose the more balanced, less expensive option: an All Access Pass with Studio SWEAT onDemand! You can choose between a monthly, 3-month, or 1-year plan, where you’ll have total access to our endless library of virtual fitness classes, all taught by world-class trainers with new releases added all the time. We’ve got a huge variety of workouts, including Bootcamp, Kickboxing, Indoor Cycling, Yoga, Barre, TRX, HIIT, Pilates, and so much more! Plus, we even offer a 7-Day Free Trial so you can try before you buy.
So you see? You’ve really got no excuses left. See ya in the studio!
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