Now just hold it right there. Ok, a little longer…a bit longer. Actually, you might wanna throw on an old Gilmore Girls episode because you’re gonna be here for a while. And while you’re waiting, you’re also about to get one of the best ab and core workouts imaginable, while barely moving a muscle!
In case you haven’t noticed, we’re talking about planking!
Ah, the plank. If there’s a more simple, more contained, and less complicated exercise out there, we’d love to hear about it. But there really isn’t one. Planking is an isometric full body exercise performed with nothing more than your bodyweight – it delivers serious core control and full body strength. So without further ado, we’re going to run through seven reasons why we love the plank exercise, and why you should, too.
The 7 Benefits of Plank Exercises
Full-Body Muscle Building
When it comes to the most beneficial exercises, the plank is often underestimated and overlooked. But when you consider the amount of muscles worked and benefits involved, you’ll most likely notice muscles you never knew existed, along with the biceps, triceps, and lower back muscles, among many others!
Better Posture
Any exercise that strengthens your core will also naturally improve your posture. You may think that better posture is only important for aesthetics, but it actually can help reduce your risk of injury, increase lung capacity, and elevate your mood! Maybe all those etiquette teachers were right after all!
Reduced Back Pain
As we enter our 40s, most of us begin to experience more aches and pains. One of the most common and debilitating areas is the lower back. Your back plays a crucial role since it helps us stand up, sit down, lift objects, and much more. It can seem like a neverending nightmare if you’ve got tension in the lower back. Luckily, having a strong core brought on by incorporating regular plank exercises and strengthening the surrounding muscles can help you nip that pesky pain in the bud.
Stronger Legs
Think you need to put up some serious numbers on the squat rack (admittedly another proven hack for eliminating back pain) or jog ultramarathons to get sculpted and scrumptious legs? Think again! Plank exercises also deliver superior lower body muscle stimulation for your quads, inner thighs, and booty. And the core work you’re doing actually leads to a strengthening of your hamstrings and hip flexors too!
Improved Balance
As we age (and we’re all going to), the risk of falls tends to rise dramatically. When you consider the damage that a severe fall can cause to your overall well-being, reducing the risk of injury due to inevitable trips and falls becomes super important. And since planks improve your all-around core strength, they also help you reduce the incidence of those injuries. Plus, if you hold up an arm or a leg (or both) while performing your plank, even better!
Lower Blood Pressure
Hypertension is one of the most widespread afflictions in our country. But would you believe that planking exercises could help reduce your blood pressure? Believe it! In several clinical studies, the plank pose along with most other isometric exercises has been shown to significantly decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, for better all-around health and longevity!
Convenience & Portability
Our final benefit of planking is the fact that it’s one of the most travel friendly exercises you can do. All you need is your body (which we assume you’ll have on your person most of the time) and a floor. No weights, gadgets, or gizmos needed. This is a full body exercise you can do while watching TV, on your lunch break, at the airport (if you’re a little extra, like some of our trainers…won’t name names), or even while taking a call!

Our Favorite Plank Variations
Now that we’ve run through the benefits of plank exercises, let’s talk about a few variations we love.
Knee Planks: For those new to the plank game, starting on your knees can be an effective way to build core strength while working up to supporting your full bodyweight.
Side Planks: To spice up those obliques, lay on your side, legs staggered or stacked, reach your other arm directly upwards, and pull your hips up to create a straight line from ear to ankle.
Mountain Climbers: Technically a plank variation, Mountain Climbers involve holding your upper body still with straight (but not fully locked) arms, then alternate knees tucking toward your chest. A wonderful cardio infusion to your plank workout.
Swiss Ball Jackknives: Here comes a mean one. Use a yoga ball to lift your feet to align with knees, hips, ribs, shoulders, and ears. Balance with your forearms making the number eleven, tighten up your imaginary corset, slowly roll the ball inwards, hold it, then roll it outwards again.
Now, do you want a little more plank practice? We knew you would! That’s why at Studio SWEAT onDemand, we offer an entire collection of streaming Ab & Core workouts that are sure to carve out your breadbasket in no time at all. Add to that all of our other Indoor Cycling, HIIT, TRX, Yoga, Pilates, Kickboxing, and so many more full-body virtual workouts. Sign up for our 7-Day Free Trial today, and let’s get that core crankin’!
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