So you’re in the gym — your sanctuary of sweat, your dojo of dumbbell, your temple of tone — but lately, your workouts seem to be filled with less inspiration, and more inertia. Your bark has no longer got any bite. In short, you’ve lost that fitness feeling!
When it comes to your workouts, low energy levels are simply a non-starter, a big fat NO-NO. So what can you do to elevate your energy, motivate your mojo, pump up your pep-before-you-step inside the gym?
Well fear not, oh lethargic one, because we’ve lined up our favorite tips for safe and healthy ways to boost your energy before you work out.
Get Your ZZZs
You may be asking yourself: “Sleep? Seriously? That’s where we’re starting???” Our answer to that is, well first of all, that sounded pretty aggressive — seems like you could use a nap. But in all honesty, a simple lack of sleep is the cause of the majority of workout fatigue. Getting enough deep REM sleep is crucial to not only our energy levels, but our bodies’ performance on the whole. And just because you may shut and open your eyes at reasonable hours, it doesn’t mean you’re getting restful and restorative sleep. Getting a simple take-home sleep test kit from your physician’s office may be the first step you take towards boosting your energy.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Ok, you’ve got your shut-eye dialed in. Next up, we’ve got the other central-to-humanity source of energy (plus a whole bunch else)…water. Workout fatigue is very often caused by us not taking in enough water throughout the day. When we’re dehydrated, our bodies don’t work as well as they should, usually leading to loss of physical activity, a worsening mood, and even cognitive fuzziness. So sip on that water, all day, all night, before the gym, after the gym — basically never stop the flow.
Snack Right
Before you hit your sweat session, you’re going to need to fuel up, and fuel up right. And by that we mean taking in light-yet-nutrient-dense snacks that’ll rev your energy levels up, without weighing you down. Any complex carb-rich food will do – we suggest foods like overnight oats, baked sweet potatoes with a small chicken breast on the side, or scrambled eggs with steamed veggies. You want to load up carbs for the quicker energy, yet sprinkle in good protein sources for the longer-haul sustenance you’ll need at the end of your workout and beyond.

Rested Days Are Better Days
Keeping in the same vein as getting enough sleep, rest also plays a part in our overall energy levels. Specifically, getting in enough rest between your workouts. Sometimes, when we’re so committed to hitting the gym, reaching the pump, getting your heart rate up, and hitting those goals, we forget to take some time for our muscles to recharge. That’s where rest days come in. There isn’t a tried-and-true, one-size-fits-all number for getting your rest – you’ll have to listen to your body. When you feel extra fatigued, sore, or experience any other signs that your body needs to rest, follow it — your body will thank you.
Justice for Java
Sure, we all love coffee. But did you know that along with waking us up, it can be the perfect mini-jolt we need right before a workout? We need to qualify this tip with a couple others, though. First of all, caffeine will dehydrate you, so if you’re not getting more than enough liters of H20, don’t even think about it. Second of all, don’t overdo it – if you are sensitive to caffeine, you’ll want to avoid drinking too much of it, especially before a workout, and extra especially before an evening workout. But a couple sips of the bountiful brew before bustin’ biceps may be just the thing to get you over your workout slump.
Ok, now we’re getting serious. If, and it’s a big IF, and an ONLY IF, you’ve exhausted all of the other options we’ve listed, then you should consider taking a pre-workout supplement. These are specifically designed energy-boosting dietary supplements formulated for athletes, to help them achieve maximum performance during training sessions. The reason for all the caveats is that these supplements are powerful, and may even interact negatively with certain prescribed medications you’re taking. Since health is always our main focus, we must advise that you consult your doctor before starting any of these higher octane options for energy.
Well that’s it! We at Studio SWEAT onDemand hope we’ve given you the right fuel to light your fires and burn it up at the gym. Oh and there’s another, final piece of advice we need to include: signing up for a 7-Day Free Trial with us! We’ve got an endless library of virtual fitness workouts taught by some of the most passionate, motivating, and world-class trainers you’ll ever meet, who are guaranteed to rev you up while they revolutionize your fitness journey. Sign up today, and see how energetic you’re gonna be!
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