Congratulations!  You have signed up for the All Seasons Fitness Media’s Charity Fitness Tour.  We applaud you for becoming the hero of your own health & wellness journey.  Everybody wins when you sign up for a charity event and show up to walk or run.  Like any good challenge, you will benefit from some preliminary training.  Therefore, All Seasons Fitness Media has teamed up with Studio SWEAT onDemand to offer you Walk, Run, Race.  This four-part training program will guide you through important warm-up tips in video #1, the ins and outs of walking in video #2, how to progress to running in video #3 and how to challenge yourself to race in video #4.  We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to shape up for your Charity Fitness Tour and get the most out of the experience.

Login Sign-up for the WRR!

You must sign-up for the WWR to see the WRR Videos.
We provide the tips, training workout…
You put in the time!

To learn more about the WRR Challenge, including the training plan, check out these WRR FAQs and enjoy this 60-second preview video!