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You have Goals. We have workouts. Put the two together and you can achieve your goals! We’ve looked at some major objectives many of you have and created 4 unique workouts for you to choose from to reach your goals this May/June.
  1. Weight Training for Weight-Loss
  2. Weight Training for Power
  3. Weight Training for Women
  4. Weight Training for Performance
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has guidelines on weight training and we will use those guidelines to craft the workouts right for you. Start by setting a goal, planning your workout times.
These body-sculpting workouts
> Will range from 12-40 minutes each
> Will only require dumbbells and a little grit


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We provide the tips, training workout…
You put in the time!

To learn more about the WT4 Challenge, including the detailed training plan,

click here to checkout these WT4 Training Plan & Info and enjoy this short preview video!