I am so happy to have found your terrific website. I have always been physically active (spinning, running, weight-lifting, etc) but during the past 6 months, I have had surgery for a brain aneurysm (Sept. 2014) and a kidney transplant (Jan. 2015) due to a genetic kidney condition called Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Once my doctors approved me for walking and biking, I discovered Cat Kom's youtube video and used that on the spin bike I have at home that friends donated to me. Since running is still very difficult (since I am only 3 months post-transplant), being able to spin and sweat, is an incredible joy! I joined the All Access Pass and love trying out all of the classes. I try to do at least one a day! It has been a godsend in my recovery! Spinning is one of the best workouts for me and your classes are a delight. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The first pic is me a couple of days after the transplant and still in the hospital. The final picture is me now…healthy and happy and spinning away.