Preview – Cycle-Therapy

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Class Details

Equipment Needed

  • Water (and plenty of it)
  • Hand Towel
  • Heart Rate Monitor (Optional)
  • Any Indoor Cycling Bike

Class Description

Studies have shown how impactful mindfulness can be after spiking the heart rate with a short, intense HIIT-style workout, because you’re focused and your receptors are wide-open so things you think about can really soak in. And, we all know the benefits that come with lower intensity Spinning – think healing. That’s why Cat thought to take a killer HIIT Cycle and pair it with a LISS (low-intensity steady-state) ride where she helps you connect mind and body. Think of it as Cycle-Therapy! Shall we begin our session?

Format: Long Warm-Up, 20 Min High-Intensity Intervals, 30 Min Lower-Intensity, Nice Long Stretch!